Friday, February 24, 2012

Ughhh!! I Have a Boy Brain!

OMG!  Such a bad blogger am I!  Life just seems to have grabbed me and not allowed me any time to update my blog.  However, a few glasses of wine on a Friday night and my life has slowed down just a bit.  Of course, when I start to have time to reflect, I start to worry about my status as a true mo.
My first question this week is the actual spelling of "mo".  I have come across a few sites where "mo" is spelled "moe".  Hmmmm.....I think they are wrong.  My reasoning goes something like this..... "mo" comes from homosexual and the "mo" in homosexual does not contain the letter "e".  So, these other homos who spell it "moe" are less of a mo than me.  Any good mo knows their grammar and spelling.

 Knock up a few points for me!!!!!

On the down side, a few things happened this week to take a few homo points off my tally.

First, I came across a quiz this week called "What Sex is Your Brain."  It's actually a quiz based on real scientific tests and normed against male and female scores (basically not your stupid FaceBook quiz).  Anyone can take it, here is the link  Well, my brain said, "At last, a scientific test to prove that we are a true mo!"  So, there I sat for 20 minutes answering questions about feelings and spatial reasoning.  At the end of each section, the system reported your score.  I was super on target for all that feeling, mushy stuff.  Personally, I thought I was a shoe-in for an even brain possibly tending toward a girl brain.  I mean really, I'm a mo!  NOPE, I'm all boy.  Really, WTF, I knit, love opera and have poodles, on top of liking guys.  Am I ever going to get a break?  Well it appears not at this moment.

Second, (and to add icing to this cake) while at lunch with a colleague this week, I made some comment which prompted this response, "You are the most straight gay guy that I know."  OMG!  Just take the knife and drive it in deeper.  And to think, this guy calls me a friend.  Anyway, I turned to him and said, "Please, I knit."  I know, it's week but it's all I have at the moment.

Speaking of the moment, I have a few knitting things happening.  Here is my latest design.

I call it Acorn and Leaf Stole.  I gave a preview of this in my last post and this is the final product.  It's pretty intense for lace.  Lots of yarn overs and on both sides of the work plus purling two together through the back loop.  Ack!  However, the finished product is really pretty.  Knit Picks likes it too.  They sent me some yarn to do a version for them.  It's taking me forever, mostly because I'm so damned busy; however, it's more than halfway complete.  Only a few more weeks to go!


  1. I think the correct spelling is 'mo, since the apostrophe takes the place of the missing "ho". I suppose it really should be 'mo', because it's also missing "sexual", but homo has become so standard.

  2. I saw this blog post on the side bar in ravelry. Have several comments. First of all, I think I know how you feel, being gay but feeling like you're not "gay" enough. (I had to laugh out loud at your comment of "Hey, I knit.") :D I'm a gay female and I empathize. Secondly, thanks for the link to that brain sex test. I just took it and I scored at 25 on the female side (average chick scores 50 on the female side). Interesting results and analysis, so thanks. Also, holy shit! You designed that gorgeous stole?? I'm impressed dude. It's beautiful! ;)
    May I add you on ravelry?

  3. Hey Buck:
    I had to laugh reading your profile. My partner and I have always thought that there should have been a sequel to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy called Queer eye for the Not So Queer Guy. They'd have their hands full with us! Fashion, movies, bars, skin care products...ummm, not so much. We run a small farm, do our own mechanics, carpentry, electric, plumbing, etc, but, find Barbara Streisand, Judy Garland, etc, well, whatever. Live and let live. I too, knit and have ohh, hmm, too many sets of china. Grew up in Montana, love (still do) rodeos and rural living. Saw this blog as a side bar on Ravelry, like the previous post did. Awesome lace!! Anyhow. We are as we are, and that, as Martha Stewart would say, is a GOOD thing! Thanks for the post! Jim

  4. Bitch please, I'm a straight guy and I knit. You have no excuse.
